Thursday, January 23, 2014

I'm a Raver, Bar Patron & a Candor... It's my Job & it's Awesome!

Yea... This blogging thing is hard to keep up with!
But it's for fun & since it's Thursday & I have the day off!! WooHoo!!  I'm gonna give you a little #TBT  :)

About a year & half ago I was struggling to find work... for us "struggling artists" that's an everyday occurance lol.  Keep in mind I gravitate to the entertainment industry so I'm always looking for work in that field.  So I see this posting on a casting site "looking for Ravers" for a Hit TV Show.  And since I have crazy colored hair... and I used to rave in my teen years.. shhhh!  I was like "Oh I can totally do this!"
I send in a headshot of myself & they called me back!  Yay!  They then inform me it's for the TV show CSI: Las Vegas!  Umm Awesome!  Here's a lil pic of me on set!!  Haha!! Aren't I colorful?!?

Let me just tell you though.  It was HOT out those 2 days!!  Like 110 in the middle of the desert!  So I'm kinda glad I wasn't covered up to much lol  Here are a couple pics my friends took from the TV screen shots!  Kinda blurry... which is what background actors are mostly... blurbs lol.

This was such a fun gig!  And after talking to a few other background actors I decided to sign up with a calling service, so they could book me on more shows.  But then.. dun dun dun (haha) my other job as Costume Designer for iLuminte picked up & I stopped doing background work.  Now, to present day!  I am working again & yesterday I was cast on CSI: Las vegas once again!  This time as a bar patron.  Not as fun as a raver, but still a fun day!  Here's a pic of me & another BG at Universal City Walk on our way to set :)  Yes, I do wear a wig for the majority of my gigs.  Get's me more work then my fun hair lol.

And there it is... my Throw Back Thursday #tbt.  Tomorrow I get to start work on the movie Divergent!  I'm a Candor!  Oooo can't wait!  It's gonna be so fun!!  Hope everyone else loves there job as much as I do!!

Bye for now! <3

Friday, January 3, 2014

Lazy "Paleo" Chicken Soup!

My poor roomie/ bestie has the dreaded stomach Flu!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!

So because I <3 her so, and because I'm starving too, I'm making her homemade Paleo Chicken Soup!
Let me just tell you... I am not a fan of cooking... so we'll call this the "lazy chicken soup" & we'll throw it in one of the best inventions ever!  The Crockpot!  Thank you for that... umm who invented the crockpot anyways??  This guy did Irving Naxon... Well he invented the "slow cooker" since "crockpot" is trademarked.  Interesting indeed.

Any who, so I went to the grocery store.  And bought ingredients that I think might go in some soup, because I'm pretty sure I've made something similar to this before using a recipe, but let me remind you... this is the Lazy Chicken Soup lol!  So here we go!

What I bought! In approximation, and for your different tasty buds:

1 - Lb Thin Sliced Chicken (so it cooks faster)
3 - Cups Chicken Stock (making sure there's no pesky evil ingredients!  Check your labels :))
2 - Cups Butternut Squash (mine were in the freezer section, less cutting time lol)
2 - Cups Baby Carrots (I love me some carrots. Yum!)
1/2 - Onion diced (this I did cut myself)
2 - Celery stocks sliced
1/2 - Bottle of water (bout 8oz., not seen)

And can't forget the Spices!!!  Fresh is always better... but did I mention.. LAZY!

1 - Tbsp Minced Garlic (at least!  Love me some garlic!)
1 - Tbsp Basil
1 - tsp Pink Himalayan Salt (to taste)
1 - tsp Pepper (to taste)
And Lemon Juice!  Add right before serving!

Feel free to add more & other spices... This is all I had :(
Some other spices I would have used Thyme, Rosemary, Parsley, Bay Leaf

AND Throw it in the Slow Cooker!  Chicken First!  Mmm Looks good so far!
I would cook this till the chicken shreds apart with a fork & the veggies are soft... that's how you know its good N' done!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cute Like A Crayon Box

I swear... I'm tired all the time!  I feel like I could fall asleep at any given second, but then I get online to research "why am I tired all the time?" and the next thing I know, I've been on WebMD for 3 hours & It's midnight!! LOL... 

Anways It's Thursday!!! Meaning #TBT, Throw Back Thursday, I'm gonna post a picture & tell you all about it.... No Really... I am.. & It's my official first TBT!  And yea.. I totally just used a hashtag... don't judge lol.  That'll be a different topic later to come :)

So here it goes!!!
Ta-Da!!  Ok, so now I get to tell you why I look like a Crayon Box!  At least that's what one of the casting directors told me when I showed up for my interview audition!

First let me say, I love designing & anything that has to do with fashion.  So when I saw a posting "looking for a fashion assistant for Celebrity Designer" I was ALL OVER that!  

I get a call back & I'm super excited!!  So what to wear?!?!  Something "me" of course!  
This was my off-beat, colorful, stylish interview outfit! This lace black dress with hot pink tights, matching pink headband & my ah-door-able robot necklace (that you can't see because I take crappy selfies), not to forget the bright blue hair!  All this awesome to meet with KLS:S4.  Yea I was confused when I saw it too.  It stands for Kimora Lee Simmons: Life in the Fab Lane Season 4!  WTF was I getting into?!?!  If you don't know who she is then you must Youtube / Google her!  LOL!  After this I went to a 2nd interview where I actually met with Kimora & it was video taped... Ohhh I love reality TV.  I'll post the video at another time.  I'm not ready to show that nonsense.. it's quit embarrassing.  Ah C'est_la_vie!  There's my Wiki word for the day & on that note, I hope you enjoyed my colorful outfit & my first #TBT!  

  I <3 Crayons!!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why? Who? Where? What? When?

Oh Hi There!

It's official,  I started a blog!  My Mom called me the other day while X-Mas shopping & had the great idea that I should start a blog!  If I were a cartoon character I probably would have had the "huh" look on my face, you know, with the raised eyebrow, creased brow & half open mouth... And a giant question mark (preferably in a thought bubble) drawn over my head... LOL!  I love my mom, she's adorable!  But to be honest I've looked into it in the past & it just seemed like a LOT of work.  But now I have to.  Why? Because my Mom told me to!  And let's face it, you just have to listen your Mom!  

So now that I've got the "why" out of the way, I'll just tell you the "who"... & you would think that's easy, talking about yourself, right?  But how do you do that in a paragraph??  Well here it goes lol!

Who am I?  I'm Krystle aka Myss Krys aka Blue (note the hair, which is sometimes closer to purple then blue nowadays) aka Krys & the list goes on!  My name came from the 80's Soap Opera Dynasty & I was named after Krystle Carrington.  Oh, I should also tell you I am a big fan of Wikipedia!

Where/ Wear?  Yea, that's right!  I love to travel & I love clothes!  So in this new bloggy blog of mine very own, I will be posting pics of my travel adventures & the clothes I design (yep! I'm a fashion designer), the things I wear (as a part-time job I do background acting so I wear many different things lol), and maybe I'll do series of "Good, Bad, & WTF?"

What... You'll be seeing from me.  Well, I just gave you a little teaser in the where/ wear.  And as I am new to this I'm sure I'll be jumping on the band wagon of posts like TBT (throw back Thursday) or What did She Wear Wednesday (I may have just made that up?) Foodie Friday!  Oh yea!  I hate cooking! Love to Bake!  But due to my SIBO I am going to try to cook better foods for my tummy, because feeling like crap isn't fun!  Plus my Mom (there she is again :)) got me the awesome Paleo diet/style cookbook Against All Grain for X-Mas!!!  So excited!!

When?  NOW!!!  Good Bye 2013!!! Hulloooo 2014!!!

Happy New Year!!!!